Practice is such a frustrating thing to do for me. I attribute it to being a creative person. I don’t want to wait to pump out the creations of my mind’s eye, but I’m limited by ability. How do I increase my ability to the level of my imagination? That old, time consuming, tried and true method known as practice. What a terrible utterance is that word. It denotes time I would much rather spend day dreaming forcibly pushing myself through uninteresting repetitions of the same thing, over and over again. It always seized myself as an exercise in inefficiency.

Perhaps that is why I love writing so much. Everything I do is a new expression of what I’m doing. My practice is creating. My exercise is for my intellect and imagination. I do little else but day dream when I’m working. Sometimes I get stuck in a day dream, which is, I’m sure, not a problem many people have. That would, I imagine, be the time most other professions get to work where as that is where I have to take a break and get a cup of tea and stare out unthinkingly for a good long while. And as I do I realize I’ve started writing in my head again. A sweet little stanza about the delicate, tiny pink flowers growing from the waxy plant in the adobe pot. I’m imagining it’s interactions with the world, the way it views and senses things.

I think practicing art is close to that same sensation of being free from practice. I know that I draw what I want, and that I’ve gotten better because of that freedom. I suspect that there is a bit of a line that must be crossed into drawing something I would consider dull or uninteresting to be truly good. I don’t consider myself a great artist, nor a great writer for that matter, but I do consider myself passable. And the only reason I consider myself passable is because of the non-traditional practice I’ve had in the past. So get to creating something that you want to create, because it will be practice to make it perfect.

I think, tomorrow, I’ll post a drawing as something different for this blog.

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